Tuesday, December 3, 2013

No Stress, No Stress, No Stress

STRESS. ANXIETY. WORRY. Those thoughts that keep you awake in your bed at night and all you can focus on is "Why on earth did I say that?" or "What is going to happen tomorrow, next week, next year...?" (You get the picture.) I deal with this garbage all of the time. I'm kind of a stress magnet, if we are being honest. This last week has actually been incredibly stressful for me and I wanted to share a pretty fantastic article a few of my friends posted on Facebook on how to deal with stress. Page two is where it gets really good, and my favorite tip author Rachael Moeller Gorman mentions is about taking on the persona of one of your friends, and giving yourself your own advice. Any time you advise a friend, you are coming at it from a completely different perspective than the person sitting in your own shoes. Gorman's advice truly sets the stage to allow you to clear your head and think about what Nicole or Matt (some of my best friends) might say in this situation. I don't pretend to be a stress expert, but I love to share useful things I find, and am constantly working to better my lifestyle. I think this article: "You're Overthinking It! Tips to Stress Less" (http://www.fitnessmagazine.com/health/stress-relief/stress-busters/stop-overthinking/?page=1) by Rachael Moeller Gorman really fits the bill, and you should definitely check it out!

PS- What are some tactics you have for dealing with stress or worries? Let me know in the comment box!


  1. Thanks for the link, I'm going to give that a read now. I so easily get stressed about stuff, even when I know I'm being stupid. It really takes over my mind and affects my whole mood (and I can't hide it either). I'm thinking of getting into Kundalini yoga which encourages you to meditate - clearing my mind is often something I need to do.

    I'd say my best stress-buster is writing everything down - it's amazing how all the problems in the world can seem so minimal when written down.

    Caroline x
    Cocktails and Caroline

  2. It's honestly a great read. Im not into the usual cheesy stuff that you see posted over and over about destressing and her article definitely doesn't run that line.

    I also want to start taking yoga classes at my gym, one of my good friends does it all the time and she says it helps with not only stress but working out the kinks in your back that sitting in an office chair all day can cause, so we shall see!

    Also, I completely agree. I've been journaling since I was about six (the writing has improved ;) and it has always been one of my best ways of planning how to problem solve rather than just worry.
